Monday, July 26, 2004
Push comes to shove for Teresa
By Ann E. Donlan
Monday, July 26, 2004
Teresa Heinz Kerry told a Pittsburgh newspaperman to ``shove it'' just minutes after urging the Pennsylvania delegates to restore a more civil tone to politics.
``We need to turn back some of the creeping, un-Pennsylvanian and sometimes un-American traits that are coming into some of our politics,'' she told delegates.
Colin McNickle, the editorial page editor of the conservative Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, later questioned her repeatedly on what she meant by the term ``un-American.''
After repeated denials, Heinz Kerry told McNickle, ``You said something I didn't say. Now shove it.''
So Ms. T., What can we say but, "Shove it."?
A full day wraps up at Fenway
By Patrick Healy, Globe Staff | July 26, 2004
Senator John F. Kerry diverted his campaign plane from the Midwest last evening and snuck into Boston for the final game of the Red Sox-Yankees series, but was greeted by a thundering mix of cheers and boos as he bolted out of the home team's dugout to throw out the first pitch on the eve of the Democratic National Convention.
His righthanded throw -- practiced in recent days with aides -- came up short, skidding into the dirt before home plate and bouncing off the chest of his catcher, 23-year-old Massachusetts National Guardsman Will Pumyea of Woburn, who served in the military police in Afghanistan and then for six months last year in Iraq.
John Kerry, with all of athletic prowess which with every demonstration makes him look even more ridiculous, throws a pitch to a set-up Iraqi Veteran, in uniform, no less. He steps out of the mound by ten feet to give himself an advantage after practicing with aides, and his pitch still lands in the freakin' dirt.
By contrast
President Bush throws out the first pitch of the World Series, from the pitcher's mound, and zaps in a strike, right across the plate. Thank G-d he doesn't wear speedos.
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Kerry's Wife Teresa: an Unusual Political Spouse
BOSTON (Reuters) - Worth an estimated $500 million, born in Mozambique, fluent in five languages, outspoken and "sexy," Teresa Heinz Kerry is not your average political spouse.
The wife of Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry also runs a $2 billion foundation named after her late husband, Republican Sen. John Heinz of Pennsylvania, and occasionally bakes her special brownies for the campaign press corps.
She is known to close friends as "Momma T," only recently added Kerry's name to hers and changed her party affiliation to Democratic out of anger at the way Republicans treated Vietnam veteran Max Cleland during his unsuccessful re-election bid to a U.S. Senate seat from Georgia in 2002.
Still Heinz because without it, she's nothing.
"I'm cheeky; I'm sexy, whatever," she told CBS in a recent interview. "You know, I've got a lot of life inside."
On the campaign trail, the 5-foot-5-inch Heinz Kerry introduces her lanky, (skeletal,) husband -- who stands almost a foot taller -- in a soft, accented voice. Often Kerry asks for the sound to be turned up.
Yep. Sexy.
She alludes to her background, the daughter of a doctor raised under a repressive dictatorship in the Portuguese colony of Mozambique and schooled in racially segregated South Africa.
"Places where I come from, people didn't vote," she said recently in Raleigh, North Carolina, campaigning with the newly named vice presidential candidate John Edwards and his wife Elizabeth, whom she helped "figure out what clothes you need."
Heinz Kerry, 65, admits she is hardly the stereotypical political wife, but says if voters could not accept her, she would have heard about it by now.
She can be outspoken, disclosing her Botox injections, the 20 pounds she says she has gained on the campaign trail, her prenuptial agreement with Kerry and the fact that he was in the shower when he got word of his early wins in the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary.
She is wealthy from her marriage to Heinz, the heir to the Pittsburgh ketchup empire who died in a plane crash and who, she said, was "kind enough to even introduce me to John (Kerry) the day before he was killed."
Kerry Tells Black Voters He Shares Their Dreams
By Patricia Wilson
COLUMBUS, Ohio (Reuters) - Presidential candidate John Kerry on Sunday courted the black vote, a major Democratic constituency that polls show he has yet to excite, by assuring churchgoers he shared their "common future, hopes and dreams."
The Roman Catholic (nearly excommunicated) senator from Massachusetts visited the nondenominational First Church of God in Columbus where Bishop Timothy Clarke told an overwhelmingly black congregation of more than 2,500 that he would not endorse Kerry or President Bush, but urged his parishioners to get out and vote.
Kerry's introduction drew a protest from one member who stood and shouted, "Sit down ... you big phony," before he was hustled out clutching a Bible.
At the third stop on his trek to the Democratic convention in Boston where he will be formally nominated as Bush's opponent in the Nov. 2 election, Kerry quoted scripture, black poet Langston Hughes and President John Kennedy.
"It is written, what does it mean my brother if you have faith if there are no deeds? Faith without works is dead," he said, a subtle slap at Bush without mentioning the president's name.
And we NEVER do.
McCULLOUGH: Kerry-Edwards: The ambiguously 'gay' duo
By Kevin McCullough (
OPINION -- There is only one litmus test that a politician must pass these days to prove whether or not they are interested in protecting marriage from being redefined by activist judges:
“Do you support the President's call for a Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage?”
That’s it!
Marriage is under attack -- similarly to freedom -- and if you are not for protecting it, then you are for its destruction.
John Kerry and John Edwards have tried to sell a false impression to voters on marriage.
Both have said publicly that they oppose the idea of "same sex marriage". I have heard their advocates reaffirm this position. I have had extreme right-wingers try to tell me that they are no different than the President on the issue. But this facade is flimsy and should not be believed for even a moment.
Just this week the National Stonewall Democrats, a group that advocates on behalf of those who practice homosexuality, pronounced "Kerry/Edwards" as the "most pro-gay ticket in the history of presidential politics". The Human Rights Campaign, Washington's largest homosexual lobbying group, gave the two men a 100% rating on their voting records on issues of advancing homosexual issues, life, and marriage. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force referred to them as the most "gay-supportive" pairing in history.
This analysis by homosexual activist groups should surprise no one.
John Kerry has penned dozens of letters to his home state assembly in Massachusetts, as a sitting U.S. Senator, always urging passage of the pro-homosexual view of more than a dozen state level issues. And it is John Kerry's own Massachusetts Democratic Party that has pushed the "same sex marriage" to the very forefront of debate by aggressively seeking its legalization.
John Edwards has also fought hard for the pro-homosexual initiatives. By compiling his various public statements, senate votes, and even the trial cases he has argued, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force gave him ratings on thirteen separate homosexual issues. On nine of the thirteen he scored "highly favorable".
But the Johns' inability to defend marriage has even been uttered from their own lips. In the series of primary debates from this spring the Johns were asked about support for the protection of marriage in America. Marriage after all, is that unique and sacred relationship between one man and one woman. Both were asked if they would support the President's call for a Constitutional Amendment to protect marriage. Both tried to reiterate what they had attempted to clarify before - that in principle they were opposed to "same sex marriage". However, both also believed there was "no pressing need" to take such dramatic action as to amend the Constitution.
Even more mind-boggling was that in those series of debates they both disputed the validity of the 1996 "Defense of Marriage Act", which allows states the right to define marriage by state. The two went as far on multiple occasions to insist that had they had the chance to vote on it now, both would vote against it. (Kerry in fact voted against it the first time - one of only 12 to do so)
Yet in spite of all the evidence of the Johns' cozy relationship with homosexual lobbyists, activists, and advocates Kerry/Edwards still try to make the straight-faced statement that they believe marriage should still exist exclusively between a man and a woman. What a farce!
In the war on terror President Bush made it clear from the beginning: you are with us (those who love freedom) or you are with the terrorists (those who wish to destroy it). The present war on marriage is similar. John Kerry and John Edwards wish to try to distinguish themselves as being against "same sex marriage" but have voted in favor of everything leading to it and have the highest approval rating in political history by those who seek it.
You don't have to thank me...yet.
By being unable to be for the Constitutional Amendment that would protect the institution of marriage, it doesn't really matter what else they say about it. And though John Kerry has a history of being "for certain things before he was against them," his inability to even be "for" protecting marriage is already telegraphing where he would be when the issue hits the courts and the halls of Congress in the days ahead.
As ambiguous as this duo may want to stay on the issue of "same sex marriage," the people of America deserve to know if their leaders will protect our families as strongly as they protect our freedoms.
This duo seems incapable on both counts.
Desire to beat Bush masks deep divisions within Democratic Party
By Steven Thomma
Knight Ridder Newspapers
BOSTON - If you watch the Democratic National Convention, you'll see the face of the party as Sen. John Kerry and party leaders want you to see it.
But there will be only about 5,700 delegates and other party members at Boston's Fleet Center, while there are about 48 million registered voters across the country who call themselves Democrats - and they don't always think the same as the people on the convention stage.
For now, Democrats are unified to an almost unprecedented degree by their intense desire to defeat President Bush. That could help Kerry win the White House.
But it obscures divisions among Democrats over issues such as the war in Iraq, leaves unsettled the definition of what it means to be a Democrat in 2004 and could make it difficult for Kerry to govern if he's elected, as he navigates between his party's vote base and the broader population. Bush faced the same problem after running in 2000 as a centrist, then governing as a hard-line partisan.
"There's a bit of a shell game going on," said Larry Gerston, a political scientist at San Jose State University in California. "What the candidates say and what they do are often very different. That creates alienation and confusion for voters."
The biggest disconnect between ordinary Democrats and their leaders - and between Democrats and the rest of the country - is over the Iraq war.
A sizable majority of rank-and-file Democrats think the war was a mistake - 68 percent in one recent CBS-New York Times poll. By comparison, 51 percent of independents and only 14 percent of Republicans think it was a mistake.
Yet Kerry, who voted to authorize the war, refuses to call it a mistake. Nor will he commit to withdrawing American troops anytime soon, as many antiwar Democrats urge.
Commander(s) In Chief?
"People of good will disagree about whether America should have gone to war in Iraq," the new party platform says. It also says the United States must remain in Iraq: "We cannot allow a failed state in Iraq that inevitably would become a haven for terrorists and a destabilizing force in the Middle East."
Another difference is over marriage for gays and lesbians, an issue put on the national agenda when the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled that homosexuals should be allowed to marry. Gay couples in other states now are appealing to federal courts for legal recognition of their marriages.
Related Story:
Forty percent of Democrats think gay couples should be allowed to marry legally, a separate CBS-New York Times poll showed. While less than a majority, such a substantial minority again shows that the Democratic base is split on a deeply divisive issue that could complicate Kerry's handling of it. Kerry opposes gay marriage but favors "civil unions," an approach favored by only 27 percent of Democrats nationally.
You are so sweet!
Kerry also opposes a proposed constitutional amendment that would block national recognition of gay marriage, and would leave it to states to decide.
On most other issues, Democrats are more in sync with Kerry and their party's leaders. They all tend to support legal abortion, raising taxes on those making more than $200,000, increasing federal spending on health care and education, and regulating business more aggressively to protect the environment.
Democrats trace much of their thinking back to the New Deal of the 1930s and the Great Society of the 1960s, when their party championed redistributing wealth and expanding federal help for the poor. And many of their stands on social issues, and skepticism about the use of U.S. military power, stem from clashes over cultural values and the war in Vietnam during the 1960s and 1970s, according to Andy Kohut, the director of the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.
Former President Clinton underscored the point during a recent appearance promoting his new autobiography.
" If you look back on the '60s and, on balance, you think there was more good than harm, then you're probably a Democrat," Clinton said. "If you think there was more harm than good, then you're probably a Republican."
Demographically, the party on display in Boston reflects the rank and file. Nationwide, the Democratic Party is slightly more female than male, and disproportionately minority, older and less than wealthy.
In a benchmark survey last year, the Pew Research Center found that the ranks of self-identified Democrats include:
-36 percent of women and 27 percent of men.
-64 percent of blacks and 36 percent of Hispanics.
-38 percent of those 65 and older, the most solidly Democratic age group.
-36 percent of those with less than a high school education, the most solidly Democratic group by education, and 33 percent of those with a postgraduate college education, the second most Democratic group.
-39 percent of those making less than $20,000 a year, the most Democratic income group.
-27 percent of those making more than $75,000, the least Democratic income group.
(The CBS/New York Times Poll of 1,053 adults on Iraq was conducted June 23-27 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
The CBS/New York Times poll of 955 adults on gay marriage was conducted July 11-15 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
The Pew survey of 1,866 registered voters was conducted July 14-Aug. 5, 2003, and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.)
Friday, July 23, 2004
Kerry's dance partners should concern property owners
The force at the core leading our cause forward is the Chinese Communist Party. The Theoretical basis guiding our thinking is Marxism-Leninism.
Lin Biao and Mao Zedong
MORRISON: Kerry's dance partners should concern property owners
By Joyce Morrison
Kerry and Edwards' funders expect their contributions to produce public policy results -- some of which could be devastating to property owners, Joyce Morrison writes today.
OPINION -- Presidential election years can be frightening. The nation’s moral and constitutional values are at risk and our nation can be destroyed from within at a whim. As former President Clinton said about executive orders, "Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kinda cool."
Any voter should take it upon himself to connect the dots to see who the candidate’s buddies and contributors are. Are they environmentalists, against property rights and gun control, for abortion and socialism? If they are on the opposite side, red flags and sirens should sound.
"Build unity to take back our country in 2004. Defeat Bush and the Ultra Right" is the slogan found on the website of the Communist Party of the USA.
The Communist Party's slogan, "Take back our country," hit me as being a bit strange. Am I wrong or did I miss something as to the reason we fought some pretty mean battles to protect the USA from Communism?
From the St. Augustine Record, D.P. Heibold writes, "The ‘Top Ten Reasons’ of the Communist party are identical to those of the Democratic party: out-sourcing, homosexual rights, abortion and the like..."
Heibold said he had contacted a spokesman of the Communist Party USA in Georgia who told him, "The CPUSA supports the John Kerry campaign with donations and volunteer effort. We believe that defeating George Bush is the single most important issue this November..."
"Let America be America Again." is one of Kerry’s campaign themes according to Heibold. He said the man who wrote the gloomy poem that is the rest of the slogan also wrote a poem that says: "Goodbye, Christ Jesus, Lord, God, Jehovah, Beat it away from here now. Make way for a new guy with no religion at all -- A real guy named Marx, Communist, Lenin, Peasant, Stalin, Worker, ME -- I said, ME!"
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Catsup, Pickles, and the Radical Left
by Paul R. Hollrah
La Niña, Believe It!
Maria Teresa Thiersten Simoes-Ferreira Heinz Kerry was born in Mozambique, the daughter of a Portuguese physician, and was educated in Switzerland and South Africa. Fluent in five languages, she was working as a United Nations interpreter in Geneva in the mid-60's when she met a handsome young American, H. John Heinz, III, who worked at a bank in Geneva. He told her his family was "in the food business." They were married in 1966 and returned to Pittsburgh where his family ran the giant H.J. Heinz food company. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1971, and in 1976 he was elected to the first of three terms in the United States Senate.
Senator H. John Heinz was a friend of mine - not a close friend, not a golfing buddy, but a friend nonetheless. The last time I saw him alive was, oddly enough, in the men's restroom at the Maverick Steakhouse, a favorite nighttime eatery and watering hole for politicians and lobbyists in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
The senator was standing at a wash basin, drying his hands, when I entered the room. When he turned and saw me he rushed toward me, threw his arms around me, and said, "Paul, it's good to see you!" All I could do was mumble, "Senator, do you really think we should be seen hugging each other in a men's restroom?" He didn't think so, and neither did I, but we shared a good laugh over his impromptu display of affection.
Several years later, in 1991, he was killed when his plane collided with a Sun Oil Company helicopter over a Philadelphia suburb - the same helicopter that I often used to travel between Philadelphia and Washington, DC. The senator, his pilot and co-pilot, and both of Sun's helicopter pilots were killed. He was survived by his wife, Teresa, and their three young sons.
Four years later, after inheriting Heinz's $500 million fortune, she married Senator John Forbes Kerry, the liberal junior senator from Massachusetts. She became a registered Democrat and the process of her radicalization was set in motion.
Heinz Kerry is not shy about telling people that she required Kerry to sign a pre-nuptial agreement before they were married. John Kerry may not have check-writing privileges on the Heinz catsup and pickle fortune, but he is certainly a willing and uncomplaining beneficiary of it. A lot of hard-earned money, made through many years of hawking catsup, pickles, and soup, has fallen into the hands of two people who despise successful entrepreneurship and who believe in the confiscatory redistribution of wealth.
So how does Mrs. Heinz Kerry spend John Heinz's money? Just one example:
According to the G2 Bulletin, an online intelligence newsletter of WorldNetDaily, in the years between 1995-2001 she gave more than $4 million to an organization called the Tides Foundation. And what does the Tides Foundation do with John Heinz's money? They support numerous anti-war groups, including Ramsey Clark's International Action Center. Clark has offered to defend Saddam Hussein when he's tried.
They support the Democratic Justice Fund, a joint venture of the Tides Foundation and billionaire hate-monger George Soros. The Democratic Justice Fund seeks to ease restrictions on Muslim immigration from "terrorist" states.
They support the Council for American-Islamic Relations, whose leaders are known to have close ties to the terrorist group, Hamas.
They support the National Lawyers Guild, organized as a communist front during the Cold War era. One of their attorneys, Lynne Stewart, has been arrested for helping a client, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, communicate with terror cells in Egypt. He is the convicted mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
They support Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Rights Action League, and the Abortion Action Project.
They support the most violent of all homosexual action groups, ACT-UP. They support the "Barrio Warriors," a radical Hispanic group whose primary goal is to return all of Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas to Mexico.
These are but a few of the radical groups that benefit, through the anonymity provided by the Tides Foundation, from the generosity of our would-be first lady - the wealthy widow of Republican senator John Heinz, and now the wife of the Democratic senator who aspires to be the 44th President of the United States.
If voters will only try to imagine a woman such as Teresa Heinz Kerry, the fairy godmother of the radical left, laying her head on a pillow each night just inches from the President of the United States, hopefully they will decide that the only way these two will ever be allowed into the White House is with an engraved invitation in hand.
As I recall that somewhat embarrassing chance meeting in the men's restroom at the Maverick Steakhouse in Harrisburg, instead of mumbling some inane nonsense about getting caught in a friendly embrace, I wish now that I'd had the good sense to whisper in his ear, "John! Go home! Get a lawyer! Change your will!"
But, of course, we didn't know her then, did we?
Some of the below might sound funny...but the truth is often stranger than fiction...
Bubba. Don't believe everything you read. Well, on second thought, believe it. MWM seeking some female lovin' on the ‘downlow’, if you get my drift, which I think you do. Call me and we'll make a Burger King run.
The Kid.(Dem mantra.) People say I need more experience. Let me stuff your ballot box.
Weasel. I am trying to screw George Bush, but the Americans are telling me to make love to myself. At my age that is difficult. I want to make love not war, but I can't do either very well.
FunnyGirl. Singer, director, actress and activist looking for some respect as a serious person with legitimate views on world affairs. Bill Clinton took me seriously, in return for sex.
Farmer. I have lust in my heart. I'll show you my peanuts if you show me your melons.
Kerry Girl. I'm the daughter of a Presidential candidate. Some people say they can see right through my father. Wanna see through me?
MAPWM. (middle-aged professional white male) seeking long-lasting relationship. I'm tired of wild rides. Let's get back to the American Dream together. Must like playing "Doctor" and know all 50 states.
Me in 2004. My wife told everybody that I'm impotent but I have a big ego and I talk a lot.
Sandy Berger, up next...
Monday, July 19, 2004
Effing Along with Tides R Dem
Visit Glenn Beck and Evil Conservative Industries
Some of the groups organizing protests at this summer's Republican National Convention in New York – including one anarchist outfit planning disruptions – get funding from a foundation chaired by Teresa Heinz Kerry, the wife of the presumed Democratic Party presidential nominee, reports
Joseph Farah's G2 Bulletin. Heinz Kerry, worth as much as $1 billion according to some estimates, has directed donations in the millions to the Tides Foundation, a 28-year-old grant-making institution that funds some of the principal groups organizing demonstrations and disruptions of the GOP convention.The umbrella coalition organizing the protests is called United for Peace and Justice – strongly critical of the war in Iraq. The coalition was sponsored by Ramsey Clark's International Action Center, which was funded by the Tides Center's Iraq Peace Fund and Peace Studies Fund. Clark's group also sponsored International ANSWER. Both groups are run by long-time communist revolutionaries.
Teresa Heinz Kerry's favorite charity has also funded The Ruckus Society, an anarchist group known for disrupting the World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle in 1999 and planning similar disruptions for the New York convention. The group has been training protesters for the GOP convention in the art of sit-ins and blockades.
Mrs. Kerry, working through the Howard Heinz Endowment, oversaw the donation of more than $4 million to the Tides Foundation between 1995 and 2001.
Other groups in the United for Peace and Justice Coalition funded by Tides include the American Friends Service Committee, MADRE, the Institute for Policy Studies, the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Lawyers Guild.
Leslie Cagan, United for Peace and Justice national coordinator, a long-time communist revolutionary, also runs International ANSWER, dominated by the Communist Workers World Party. The Communist Party USA is also one of the affiliated groups under the United for Peace and Justice coalition.
There were reports last week that some of the groups headed for New York have more in mind than waving placards, marching and listening to speakers denounce President Bush.
According to the New York Daily News, fringe elements are hoping to spark major disruptions "with a series of sneaky tricks – including fooling bomb-sniffing dogs on trains bound for Penn Station."
"Internet-using anarchists are telling would-be troublemakers to decoy specially trained Labrador retrievers with gunpowder or ammonium nitrate-laced tablets in a bid to halt trains or even spur the evacuation of Madison Square Garden," the paper reported.
The Republican convention will be held at Madison Square Garden Aug. 30 through Sept. 2.
New York City police have expressed concern about the way some of these groups have used the Internet to disseminate plans for disruption. Among those messages cited:
"Go to a rifle, pistol or skeet shooting range, spend an hour shooting to saturate clothing with smell of gunpowder, go directly to a New Jersey Transit, LIRR or subway train headed for Penn Station.
"Try to have at least two people on a train in different locations, sit or stand near the doors as the train approaches the station, try to get near police and dogs, loiter as long as possible around the dog, try to pet it if possible.
"If the dog alerts on your scent, do not leave or resist; the situation will cause a major disruption of the train schedule. ... If there is more than one person on the train that causes a dog to alert, you can bet that the train will not be going anywhere for a long time ... neither will any trains behind it.
"It is important that the police call in all possible resources to investigate the situation. ... This will result in the maximum disruption. ... With any luck, Madison Square Garden will be evacuated.
"Rush hours are ideal, the final night of the convention, very good, too."